The longest Crossings festival ends in style and meaningful. On 3 and 4 September on the Intimate Stage, we are hosting a performance which has won multiple awards internationally and which in a sophisticated way invites us to reflect on our civilization through the...
Due to illness, we are canceling StudenTheatre performance The more we are, the sooner this play ends?. Performance was scheduled for 30 and 31 August. Thank you for your understanding.
If you are one of those who are interested in documentary-educational content, reinforced with practical puppet examples in a mostly sung manner, then mark Friday, 27 August, and Saturday, 28 August, in your calendar for Crossings because it’s going to be so funny...
Tickets and festival socks, T-shirts and doormats can be purchased on the Prestopi/Crossings and Moment websites. You can find the online store at Tickets can also be browsed for in the festival program. Love them. Love us. We love you...
Do you wish to cross into the world of theatre with children? Of course. Urgently. No problem. Soon. Welcome to a very real theatre concert, a children’s cabaret, to be very precise, based on the picture book of the same name by one of the most popular Slovenian...