As part of the Crossings festival and as a pre-event of the Maribor Theatre Festival, Moment and the Maribor Theatre Festival will organise a mini-conference on the theatre work of Forced Entertainment.
Forced Entertainment is a group that has been breaking established practices of theatre since its creation in 1984. Their strength, attractiveness and relevance are undoubtedly the result of a unique working process. For 30 years, six artists have defied cynicism and simplification with incredible breadth and openness. They are still exploring, experimenting and looking for answers where many forget to look: on stage. Their performances are full of humour and wit, but at the same time they demand the whole spectator. They are not content with simple and familiar procedures. Their work is strenuous and relentless. The commitment they demand of the spectator is rewarded with profound insights into the being of modern man. With this mini-conference, we would like to begin to open up a space of reflection for this extremely important and inspiring group. Through lectures, debates and discussions with the artists, we want to pave the way for both theoretical and practical treatment of this phenomenon we call Forced Entertainment.
Sunday, 14 May
18.00, Small stage, Maribor National Theatre – introductory lectures (Zala Dobovšek, Aldo Milohnić, Leja Jurišić)
20.00, Maribor Puppet Theatre – performance Real Magic
21.45, Maribor Puppet Theatre – post-performance discussion (hosted by: Uroš Kaurin)
Monday, 15 May
11.00, Small stage, Maribor National Theatre – talk with the members of Forced Entertainment about their working and operational practices (max. 2 hours, hosted by: Teja Reba and Uroš Kaurin)
18.00, foyer of the Kazinska hall, Maribor National Theatre – conference summary
19.00, Kazinska hall, Maribor National Theatre – performance Quizoola!