The coming weekend will be exciting

On Friday and Saturday, 11 and 12 June, at 6 pm, the performance How did we get here? will take place on the magical terrace of Čira Čara Galilea 3000, right next to the Lent entrance to GT22. The performance was created in December 2020 at the time the theatres were closed and will be staged for the audience for the first time. Gregor Zorc and Matej Recer – two exceptional storytellers, will uncompromisingly confront us with cultural differences, different times, but the same places. Their intimate and humorous narrative is based on the horrors of the Second World War, which wrestle with the peaceful homeliness of Podgorje, survival strategies in Yugoslavia with the cosmopolitanism of global capitalism, village solidarity with urban mistrust, life with death.

At the same time, their question “How did we get here?” already offers the answer: “We can only move forward together!”

More about the performance is available here.



According to government regulations, participation in cultural events is permitted to persons with a negative test for COVID-19, fully vaccinated persons, or persons who have recovered from COVID-19. This rule does not apply to children.

We must follow the recommendations regarding the maintenance of interpersonal distancing, proper wearing of masks, hand and cough hygiene.
