The longest Crossings festival ends in style and meaningful. On 3 and 4 September on the Intimate Stage, we are hosting a performance which has won multiple awards internationally and which in a sophisticated way invites us to reflect on our civilization through the recent history of the infamous Syrian city of Palmyra. The authors are recipients of the prestigious Forced Entertainment Award and one of the freshest and most innovative theatre creators of their generation in Europe, discovering political theatre in a new and unpretentious way. Bertrand Lesca and Nasi Voutsas, the favorites of festival audiences around the world, humorously tackle differences, love, frustrations, hatred and reconciliation. On stage, they highlight the paradoxical nature of the political crises we are experiencing and, most importantly, raise the question of how we can overcome them.
More about the performance is available here. Tickets are available one hour before the event and at this link.